
Tayi Tibble

Author photo: Pelham Dacombe-Bird

Tayi Tibble (Te Whānau ā Apanui/Ngāti Porou) was born in 1995. Her first book, Poūkahangatus (Te Herenga Waka University Press, 2018), won the Jessie Mackay Best First Book of Poetry Award in 2019. Her second, Rangikura (Te Herenga Waka University Press, 2021), was shortlisted for the Mary and Peter Biggs Award for Poetry in 2022. Poūkahangatus and Rangikura are also published by Knopf in the US and Penguin in the UK. Tayi's work is widely anthologised and has appeared in Best New Zealand Poems, Granta Magazine, Alta Journal, Literary Hub, and The New Yorker.