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Te Ohorere Kaa and Wiremu Kaa

Nga kōrero a Reweti Kohere mā (new edition)

227mm x 155mm
Publication date:
27 June 2024

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I tipu mai a Reweti i Oruatua. No te 11 o nga rā o Aperira, 1871, ia ka whānau. I kuraina i Waiomatatini, i Kihipane. No te tau 1887, ka haere ki Te Aute. E rima tau ki reira ka puta i te whakamātautau matriculation. E rua tau i tū hei kaiwhakaako ki Te Aute katahi ka haere ki Canterbury University.

Ko ia tetahi o te Ropu Rangatahi Maori. I haere ia hei kaiwhakaako i te kāreti minita i Te Raukahikatea, a, ka tū hoki hei etita mo Te Pīpīwharauroa.

I te tau 1904 ka mārena a Reweti ki a Keita Kaikiri. I te tau 1908 ka hunuku rāua ko te hoa me ta rāua whānau ki te pāriha o Te Kawakawa. Ka mutu te mahi minita ka tahuri rāua ki te ahu whenua.

Ko te mahi a Reweti i nga tau o tōna koroheketanga he tuhituhi pukapuka.

First published in 1994, this new edition of Nga kōrero a Reweti Kohere mā is one of four new editions of essential reo Māori texts released in 2024 by Te Herenga Waka University Press, in collaboration with Te Takarangi, a national programme celebrating mātauranga Māori through Māori-authored works of non-fiction. The other three titles are:

Mohi Turei: Āna tuhinga i roto i te reo Maori

Ngaa mahi whakaari a Tiitokowaru

Apirana Turupa Ngata: Āna tuhinga i roto i te reo Maori

Wiremu Kaa was a kaumātua of Ngāti Porou, Tūwhakairiora, Te Whānau a Kahu, Hunaara, Ngāti Hoko, Hinepare, Ngāi Tāne, and Takimoana. He worked as a teacher, civil servant in the Education Department, Māori Education Lecturer at Victoria University, publisher and editor. Wiremu was active in the Anglican Church, and a broadcaster in te reo Māori for Te Upoko o Te Ika Radio.

Jossie Mateohorere (Te Ohorere) Kaa was a Ngāti Porou teacher, editor, writer, and Māori language expert. Over a long career she worked on numerous Māori publications and was also the coordinator for the Ngata Dictionary. She has authored short stories for children under the pen name Oho Kaa and has written levelled readers in Māori as part of the Ngā Kete Kōrero series produced by Huia Publishers.

Together, Jossie and Wiremu worked on the first all-Māori language dictionary, Tirohia Kimihia, with a team from Huia Publishers; this dictionary was a finalist in the 2007 Montana New Zealand Book Awards reference category. They edited three collections in te reo Māori with Te Herenga Waka University Press, new editions of which are published in 2024.

Cover design: Tane Morris

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