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Whano mai taku reo, hīkina ake ki te atakura.
Karangahia! Whaikōrerotia! Wānangahia!
Come my language, come face the morning.
Breath from Earth Mother! From Sky Father!
Embracing Multilingualism Across Educational Contexts brings together researchers, practitioners, and community stakeholders from around the world to present international case studies of multilingualism in education. This book seeks to empower the speakers and teachers of heritage, Indigenous, and minority languages around the world, as translanguaging also seeks to do. It challenges research agendas and pushes our understanding of linguistic terminology, especially in areas of social justice. At times examining classroom teaching and at times examining language policy, Embracing Multilingualism Across Educational Contexts showcases the value of and gains made when embracing multilingualism in education.
Introducing the volume: The value of translanguaging
Vincent Ieni Olsen-Reeder and Corinne A. Seals
Using both Samoan and English to shape understandings, reasoning and appreciation during a book experience in an A’oga Amata: An example of translanguaging
Feaua’i Amosa Burgess and Sadie Fiti
The use of translanguaging to bridge sociocultural knowledge in a puna reo
Corinne A. Seals, Russell Pine, Madeline Ash, Vincent Ieni Olsen-Reeder, and Cereace Wallace
TransAcquisition Pedagogy with emergent bilinguals in Indigenous and minority groups for cultural and linguistic sustainability
Sophie Tauwehe Tamati
Our way of multilingualism: Translanguaging to break a chain of colonialism
Madoka Hammine
Social network, dual identity, and agency in the implementation of Indigenous language education in migration communities
Chun-Mei Chen
Austria’s curriculum for heritage language education across languages – A case study in balancing speakers’ needs on the local, national and international level
Judith Purkarthofer
Maintaining, developing and revitalizing: Language ideologies in national education policy and home language instruction in compulsory school in Sweden
Jenny Rosén, Boglárka Straszer, and Åsa Wedin
Embracing multilingualism in school through multilingual educational staff: Insights into the interplay of policies and practices
Simone Plöger and Galina Putjata
New to the classroom: Experiences of attitudes to translanguaging
Vesna Busic and Kirk P. H. Sullivan
Remixing pedagogies and fluidity of spaces in a community-based schoolscape
Suriati Abas
Multilingual education: Encouraging students to use their language backgrounds
Verbra Pfeiffer
Implementation of a bilingual model based on the integration of translanguaging, English, and content
Enrique Arias Castaño and Isabel Cristina Sánchez
Conclusion: Reflecting on trends in translanguaging across educational contexts
Corinne A. Seals and Vincent Ieni Olsen-Reeder