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82 Turnbull Lectures
83 Turnbull Lectures
A E Fieldhouse
A R D Fairburn and Mac Jackson (eds)
A Smith and L Wevers
Adam Dudding
Airini Beautrais
Alan Baker
Alan Bell and Janet Holmes (eds)
Alan Brunton
Aleksandra Lane
Alex Frame
Alie Benge
Alison Douglass, Greg Young and John McMillan
Alison Green and Leonie Pihama (eds.)
Alison McCulloch
Alistair Te Ariki Campbell
Allan Bell and Koenraad Kuiper
Allan Bell, Ray Harlow and Donna Starks
Amy Brown
Amy Head
Andre Siegfried
Andrew Erueti
Andrew Johnston
Andrew Johnston and Robyn Marsack (eds)
Andrew Ross
Angela Andrews
Angela Ballara
Ann Bell
Anna Jackson and Jane Stafford (eds)
Anna Jackson et al
Anna Livesey
Anna Sanderson
Anna Smaill
Anna Taylor
Annaleese Jochems
Annamarie Jagose
Anne Kennedy
Annemarie Hope-Cross and Jenny Bornholdt
Anthony Dreaver
Anthony L Smith (ed)
Anthony Lapwood
Anthony Wilson
Aorewa McLeod
Ash Davida Jane
Ashleigh Young
Awanui Te Huia
Barbara Anderson
Barbara Francis
Barry Mitcalfe
Ben Cauchi
Bernadette Hall
Bill Atkin and Katrine Evans (eds)
Bill Gosden
Bill Guest
Bill Manhire
Bill Manhire (ed)
Bill Manhire and Damien Wilkins (eds)
Bill Manhire and Denis Glover
Bill Manhire and Marion McLeod (eds)
Bill Manhire and Peter Whiteford (eds)
Bill Nelson
Bill Pearson
Bill Renwick
Bo Zhiyue
Brandt and Harcourt
Brent Kininmont
Breton Dukes
Brian Easton
Brian McNeill
Brian Turner
Bridget van der Zijpp
Brigitte Boenisch-Brednich
Bruce Brown (ed)
Bruce Connew
Bruce Foster and Lloyd Jones
Bruce Mason
Bruce Stewart
C J Adcock
C.-Dimitris Gounelas and Ruth Parkin-Gounelas
Caoilinn Hughes
Carl Shuker
Carol Legge
Carole van Grondelle
Carolyn Burns
Carwyn Jones
Catherine Chidgey
Charles Ferrall and Harry Ricketts
Charles Ferrall, Paul Millar and Keren Smith (eds)
Charlotte Simmonds
Chessie Henry
Chloe Lane
Chris Elder
Chris Elder (ed)
Chris Orsman
Christina Barton
Christopher Pugsley & Charles Ferrall eds.
Claire Charters and Andrew Erueti (eds)
Claire Charters and Dean Knight
Claire Orchard
Claire Toynbee
Claudia Geiringer, Polly Higbee and Elizabeth McLeay
Claudia Scott
Cliff Fell
Colin Bull
Cox et al
Craig Gamble (ed)
Craig Sherborne
D A Hamer
D F McKenzie
D R Harvey
Damien Wilkins
Damien Wilkins (ed)
Dan Davin
Daniel Beban
Danyl McLauchlan
Dave Lowe
David Beach
David Capie
David Carnegie, Paul Millar, David Norton and Harry Ricketts (eds)
David Carter and Matthew Palmer (eds)
David Collins
David Coventry
David Geary
David Grant
David Hamer and Roberta Nicholls
David Kernohan
David McKay
Dean Knight and Claudia Geiringer (eds)
Denis Glover
Derek Dow
Derek Gill and Bill Ryan (eds)
Derek Quigley
Diana Burton, Jeff Tatum & Simon Perris, eds
Dinah Hawken
Donald Akenson
Douglas Lilburn
DPAG and Justin Paton
Duncan Sarkies
Dylan Horrocks
E H McCormick
Eamonn Marra
edited by Michael Brown and Norman Meehan, with Robert Hoskins
Eds Mark Derby, Jenny Rouse and Ian Wedde
eds. Corinne A. Seals and Vincent Ieni Olsen-Reeder
eds. Vincent Ieni Olsen-Reeder, Jessica Hutchings, Rawinia Higgins
Eileen Duggan
Eileen Duggan and Peter Whiteford (eds)
Eleanor Catton
Elisabeth McDonald (ed)
Elizabeth Caffin and Andrew Mason
Elizabeth Hale and Sarah Winters
Elizabeth Knox
Elizabeth Knox & David Larsen
Elizabeth McLeay
Elizabeth Nannestad
Emily Dobson
Emily Perkins
Emily Perkins and Chris Price
Emma Hislop
Emma Martin
Erik Kennedy
Erin Mercer
essa may ranapiri
Evan Hazenberg and Miriam Meyerhoff
Fergus Barrowman
Fergus Barrowman and Damien Wilkins (eds)
Fiona Pardington
Fleur Adcock
Flora Feltham
Forbes Williams
Frances Samuel
Francis Porter
Frédéric Angleviel and Stephen Levine (eds)
Freya Daly Sadgrove
G M Betts
Gaylene Preston
Gemma Bowker–Wright
Geoff Cochrane
Geoff Lealand
Geoff Park
Geoffrey Palmer
Geoffrey Palmer & Andrew Butler
Geoffrey Palmer & Gwen Palmer Steeds
Geoffrey Troughton
Geoffrey Troughton & Stuart Lange
Geoffrey Troughton with Philip Fountain
George Leitch
Gerald Grace
Gerald Melling
Gigi Fenster
Gillian Boddy
Gillian Boddy and Jacqueline Matthews
Girol Karacaoglu (eds)
Goran Runeson
Gordon Anderson
Graeme Austin (ed)
Graeme Austin and Anne Kennedy
Graeme Kennedy
Grant Morris
Greg McGee
Gregory Burke and Ian Wedde (eds)
Gregory O'Brien & Mark Hutchins-Pond
Gregory O’Brien
Gregory O’Brien (ed)
Gregory O’Brien and Nick Bevin
Greville Texidor
Hannah Griffin, Bill Manhire, Norman Meehan and Anne Noble
Hannah Mettner
Harry Ricketts
Harvey McQueen
Helen Heath
Helen J. O’Neill (Sister Leonie)
Helen Riddiford
Helen Shaw
Helen Tippett
Helena Catt and Elizabeth McLeay (eds)
Helena Wiśniewska Brow
Hēmi Kelly
Hera Lindsay Bird
Hilary Beaton
Hinemoana Baker
Hone Kouka
Hone Kouka (ed)
Hugh Lauder
Hugh Morrison and Geoff Troughton (eds)
Hugh Price
Hugh Templeton
Iain Lonie
Ian McGibbon (ed)
Ian Wedde
Ingrid Horrocks
Ingrid Horrocks and Cherie Lacey
Isobel Gabites
J C Beaglehole
J C Beaglehole et al
J E Traue
J F Harper
J H Macdonald
J M R Owens
Jake Arthur
James Bertram
James Brown
James Duncan
James K. Baxter
James K. Baxter, ed. John Weir
James McNaughton
James Norcliffe
Jan Bieringa and Jonathan Dennis
Jane Arthur
Jane Stafford and Mark Williams
Jane Tolerton and Joy Tonks
Janet Frame
Janet Holmes
Janet Holmes (ed)
Janet November
Jean Anderson (ed)
Jean Drage (ed)
Jeannie Once
Jennifer Shennan and Anne Rowse (eds)
Jennifer Shennan and Makin Corrie Tekenimatang (eds)
Jenny Bornholdt
Jenny Bornholdt and Gregory O’Brien
Jenny Harper, Aaron Lister and Bruce Connew
Jenny Neale
Jill de Fresne
Jim McAloon
Jo Randerson
Joan Fleming
Joan Metge
Joanna Cho
Joanna Kidman and Ken Stevens (eds)
Joanna Paul and Bernadette Hall
Jock Barnes
Jock McEldowney
Johanna Aitchison
John Barrington
John Booth
John Davidson, Geoff Miles and Paul Millar
John Dawson
John Dawson and Kris Gledhill
John Dawson and Rob Lucas
John E. Martin
John Leslie, Elizabeth McLeay and Kate McMillan (eds)
John M Thomson
John Mulgan edited by Peter Whiteford
John Newton
John O'Shea
John Pratt
John Prebble
John Reid
John Sinclair
John Smythe
John Summers
John Thomson
Johnson, Louis
Jon Johansson and Stephen Levine
Jonathan Boston et al (eds)
Jonathan Boston, Andrew Bradstock, and David Eng (eds)
Jonathan Boston, Ralph Chapman and Margot Schwass (eds)
Jonathan Boston, Stephen Church, Stephen Levine, Elizabeth McLeay and Nigel S Roberts (eds)
Jonathan Fraenkel
Jonathan Scott
Joseph Musaphia
Josh Greenberg
Joy Holley
Joy Tonks
Judith A Davey, Kay Morris Matthews and Jenny Neale (eds)
Judith Huntsman, Allan Thomas and Inele Tuia (eds)
Julia Millen
Justin Lewis and Jacob Rajan
Justin Paton
Justine Clark and Paul Walker
Kate Camp
Kate Duignan
Ken Duncum
Ken Duncum, Bill Manhire, Chris Price and Damien Wilkins (eds)
Ken S Coates and P G McHugh
Kenneth Keith
Keri Hulme
Kerrin P. Sharpe
Kerry Donovan Brown
Kevin Jones
Kirsten McDougall
Kōtuku Titihuia Nuttall
Lara Strongman and City Gallery
Laura Southgate
Laurence Aberhart
Laurence Aberhart, Justin Paton and Gregory O’Brien
Laurence Evans
Laurence Fearnley
Laurie Bauer and Christine Franzen (eds)
Laurie Guy
Law review
Lawrence Jones
Lawrence Patchett
Leah Dodd
Leon Fulcher
Les Cleveland
Leslie Lipson
Lewis T Evans and Richard B Meade
Lloyd Geering
Lloyd Geering and Paul Morris (eds)
Lloyd Jones
Lorae Parry
Louis Johnson
Louise Wallace
Louise Wareham Leonard
Lydia Wevers
Lyell Cresswell
Lynn Davidson
Lysaght, T.A.
M H Holcroft
M P Mosley
Madison Hamill
Malcolm Templeton
Margaret Clark (ed)
Margaret Mahy
Margaret Sparrow
Margot Fry
Margot Schwass
Maria McMillan
Maria Samuela
Marilyn Duckworth
Mark Hickford and Matthew S R Palmer (eds.)
Mark N Berry and Lewis T Evans (eds)
Mark Stocker and Conal McCarthy eds.
Mark Williams (ed)
Marty Smith
Mary Boyd
Mary McIntyre
Matthew S R Palmer
Maurice Gee
Megan Hutching
Meleisea, Ellie Meleisea, Leasiolagi Malama Meleisea, Penelope Schoeffel
Meredith Marra & Paul Warren, eds
Mervyn Thompson
Michael Blain
Michael Brown and Samantha Owens
Michael Powles, ed.
Michaelanne Forster
Michele Amas
Michelle Duff
Michelle Rahurahu
Mikaela Nyman
Mikaela Nyman & Rebecca Tobo Olul-Hossen
Miles Fairburn and W H Oliver (eds)
Miro Bilbrough
Morgan Bach
N M Taylor
Nafanua Purcell Kersel
Nancy Ellis
Naomi Arnold
Natalie Morrison
Neil Cameron and Simon France (eds)
Neil Grove and Hirini Moko Mead
Nessa Lynch, Liz Campbell, eds.
Nicholas Reid
Nick Ascroft
Nigel Cox
Nikki-Lee Birdsey
Noeline Alcorn
Norman Meehan
Olive Nuttall
Oscar Upperton
Pablo González Casanova
Paola Bilbrough
Pat White
Patricia Kinloch
Patricia Kinloch and Joan Metge
Patrick Day
Patrick Evans
Patrick Waddington
Paul Callaghan and Bill Manhire (eds)
Paul Millar
Penny Griffith, Ross Harvey and Keith Maslen (eds)
Peter Birks
Peter Black
Peter C Harper and F C Kinsky
Peter Franks
Peter Franks & Jim McAloon
Peter Harris
Peter Munz
Peter Russell
Peter Spiller
Peter Stuart
Peter Swain
Peter Thirkell
Peter Webster
Peter Whiteford
Peter Whiteford (ed)
Peter Whiteford and Geoffrey Miles
Phil Lester
Philip Collins
Phillip C Stenning
Pierre Furlan
Pip Adam
R A Green
R A K Mason
R P Gilson
Rachel Barrowman
Rachel Bush
Rachel McAlpine
Rae Varcoe
Raewyn Dalziel
Ralph Pettman (ed)
Rata Gordon
Ray Fargher
Ray Watters
Raymond Harbridge
Rebecca Adams (ed)
Rebecca Ellis and Charles Ferrall
Rebecca K Reilly
Rebecca Priestley
Richard Benton, Alex Frame, Paul Meredith
Richard Boast
Richard Boast and Richard S Hill (eds)
Richard Norman
Richard S Hill
Richard Shallcrass
Robert Chapman
Robert Goldblatt
Robert Lord
Roberta McIntyre
Roberta Nicholls
Rod Alley (ed)
Roderick Cave
Rodney Grapes
Roger Blackley
Roger Blackley (ed)
Roger D J Collins, Glynnis M Cropp, K R Howe, and Noele R Watts
Roger Hall
Roger Horrocks
Roger Robinson (ed)
Rollo Arnold
romesh dissanayake
Rose Lu
Ross Galbreath
Ruby Solly
Ruka Broughton
Russell Campbell
Russell Haley
Russell Walden
S K Ng
S Sawicki
Sam Duckor-Jones
Sarah Gaitanos
Sarah Laing
Sharron Came
Shaun Goldfinch
Shayne Carter
Sheila Ahern and Beryl Hughes (eds)
Sidney Moko Mead
Sik Hung Ng et al (ed)
Simon Nathan
Simone Oettli
Stacey Teague
Stephanie de Montalk
Stephen A Zeff
Stephen Levine (ed)
Stephen Levine and Nigel S Roberts (eds)
Steven Loveridge
Steven Toussaint
Stuart Hoar
Stuart Hoar, Fiona Samuel and Stephen Walker
Stuart Murray
Sue Orr
Sue Upton
Susan Pearce
Susanna Gendall
Susy Frankel and Daniel Gervais, eds
Susy Frankel and John Yeabsley
Sylvan Spring
T A Lysaght
T G McGee and R F Watters
Talia Marshall
Tara Black
Tayi Tibble
Te Miringa Hohaia, Gregory O’Brien and Lara Strongman (eds)
Te Ohorere Kaa and Wiremu Kaa
Terence O'Brien
Teresia Kieuea Teaiwa
Teresia Kieuea Teaiwi
Theresa Wong
Therese Lloyd
Tim Beaglehole
Tim Corballis
Tim Grgec
Tim Wilson
Tina Makereti
Tracey McIntosh, James H Liu, Tim McCreanor, and Teresia Teaiwa
Tracey Slaughter
Tuila‘epa Sa‘ilele Malielegaoi and Peter Swain
Tusiata Avia
Una Cruickshank
Ursula Bethell
Victor Rodger
Vincent O’Sullivan
Virginia Were
W H Oliver
Wally Penetito
Warren Freer
Wendy Pond and Paul Wolfram (eds)
William Brandt
William Renwick
Wystan Curnow, edited by Christina Barton and Robert Leonard
Wystan Curnow, editors Christina Barton and Robert Leonard
Yvette Tinsley and Elisabeth McDonald
Yvonne du Fresne
Yvonne Todd
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